Associated Equipment Distributors
To commemorate its centennial anniversary, AED showcases historic photographs and contemporary animations, narrated with a professional voiceover.
National Emergency Number Association
NENA’s video marks the 50th anniversary of the 911 system with the help of member testimonials, animated timelines, expert voiceover, and two currently serving members of Congress.
National Emergency Number Association
In a follow-up video, NENA utilizes the fame and influence of award-winning actress Angela Bassett.
Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
SCMR uses historical photos from members and animated timeline graphics to recognize important milestones of the Society during the last 25 years.
American School Counselors Association
ASCA’s video commemorates the 20-year tenure of their departing Executive Director with gorgeous animations and touching testimonials from members.
Promotional Videos,
Membership Videos, Advocacy Videos,
Award Videos,and More!
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