1st Stage Pre-Production
The Planning Stage
Of a Video Project
Pre-production is discussing the purpose of the video, what assets we will use, where will the video be played (website, social media, live audience, etc.)
- Target Audience
- Tone : Excitement, Humor, Serious
- Video Style : Live Action or Animated
- Animated: whiteboard, Cartoon, or Infographic
- Live Audience or Facebook
- Due Date

2nd Stage Production
The Collection &
Creation Of The Assets
Production is the creation or collection of assets. This could be interviewing people, shooting event footage, writing scripts, creating voice overs, etc. This could also be having people submit photographs.
What’s interesting about the Production stage is this has become very consumerized. Meaning, it has become very inexpensive to shoot video. Most people can do it on their mobile phones and many cameras have come down in price.
- Writing
Scripts - Voice
Overs - Shooting
Interviews - Video
Production - Photos
- Graphics(logos or similar From Customers)

3rd Stage Post Production
The Planning Stage
Of a Video Project
Post Production, the third stage, is still best left to the professionals. The editing programs are complicated and take a long time to learn and master.
- Photoshop
- Adobe
Premiere - Final
Cut - After
Effects - 3D Studio