International Code Council
The ICC employs photos in their year-in-review video to display to highlight members’ meetings each month.
National Marine Manufacturers
The NMMA’s year-in-review video focuses on highlighting the numerous consumer marketing shows they hosted throughout the year.
National Athletic Trainers Association
The NATA employs a combination of videos, photos, graphics, and professional voiceover to highlight the achievements of a productive year.
Florida League of Cities
Each summer, the FLC’s outgoing president presents the year-in-review video, highlighting the numerous accomplishments of the organization before passing the gavel to the incoming president.
Florida City and County Managers
The FCCMA leverages this opportunity as a State of the Association address, presenting a comprehensive yet concise video achieved through a well-written script, videos and photos taken throughout the year, graphics, and professional voiceover.
Association of Pediatric
Hematology/Oncology Nurses
APHON showcases their advocacy achievements throughout the year by narrating the video with several members recorded on Zoom.
Promotional Videos,
Membership Videos, Advocacy Videos,
Award Videos,and More!
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